Spirituality at the Franciscan Institute
Spirituality Activities
Spirituality is an important part of everything that we do and the progammes we offer such as Retreats and Sabbaticals.
Inner Healing
Inner Healing is a process. The Risen Lord, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit uncovers wounds that have held a person captive in shame, guilt or fear. Going back to the painful memory in the presence of the Risen Lord Jesus and allowing him to speak to the heart brings true healing, peace and forgiveness. While Inner Healing does not change hurtful things that happened, it does allow God to heal their damaging emotional and spiritual effects.
Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer is a method of prayer which prepares us to receive the gift of God’s presence. It is traditionally called Contemplative Prayer. It emphasizes prayer as a personal relationship with God. It is a prayer of silence; an experience of God’s presence as the ground in which our being is the source from whom our life emerges at every moment.
Prayer and Movement (Interplay)
Body prayer is part of our heritage. There are many things we can do through our bodies that can enhance or restrict our prayers. Our bodies are part of our prayer lives. They are called the “temples” of God. Our bodies are gifts and are sacred to God. They can help us in our seeking the Holy. Our bodies are a vehicle to God and they can greatly enhance the quality of our relationship with God.
God has expressed himself in unique and privileged ways in Scripture and continues to reveal Himself and ourselves to us in the events of our everyday life. A Journal is a journey. Journaling puts into words the movement of God in our lives. It is a way of deepening the inner relationship with all the significant facts of one’s life and bringing them into our center.
Mary, Woman and Mother
Mary was the First disciple. Mary is a woman and a Mother. Mary said “Yes.” Let us walk with her to see where her “Yes” led her, while looking at similarities in our life.
We live in a world of noise, and silence enables us to hear God. God speaks volumes in silence. We need to be still so God can speak to our hearts. Silence is the key that unlocks the heart of God. Without inner silence we cannot hear God’s heart beat, and our response to God is wanting.
T’ai Chi Chih
Tiai Chi Chih is a series of 20 gentle movements that help to reduce stress and balance the body energy. These easy-to-learn movements aid circulation and foster relaxation. Besides lowering blood cholesterol, TCC supports wellness and over all health.

It is a carefully planned period of time to replenish our spirit, through reflection, rest, personal development and Spiritual Renewal. It includes: Centering prayer, Movement, Journaling, and a directed Retreat.

Centering Prayer and T’ai Chi Chih
While practicing the gentle moves of TCC the body is preparing for Centering Prayer, the prayer of silence, an experience of God’s presence. TCC is a series of 20 gentle movements that can help reduce stress and balance the body’s energy.
The Holy Spirit
We believe the promises of Jesus. We are led through the Spirit, believing the promise of Jesus in John14: 26-27. “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my Name….My peace is my farewell to you. My peace is my gift to you.”
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction is a privileged time and space to reflect about my relationship with God. The focus is on my life with God as it is lived in all my experiences. Spiritual Direction is the process of coming home to my deepest self. The Director helps me to listen to my life with as much care as it deserves.